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*ESAHA Youth Events*

The activities for our youth will run throughout the day Friday and Saturday. Most of the activities will take place in the aisle outside the show office or

in and around the barns.

 You DO NOT need to be a member of ESAHA to join the fun…

So bring your friends!

Scavenger Hunt

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The scavenger hunt will take place in and around the main barn near the office on Friday morning and will continue thorughout the day. Listen for the announcements! Prizes will be awarded!

Decorate a Derby Hat

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Crafts and Puzzles

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Crafts and puzzles will be available all day

Friday and Saturday

near the show office!

Golden Horse Shoe Quest

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Can YOU find one of the four Golden Horse shoes hidden in the main barn?

Saturday all day...

On Saturday morning, come to the Hospitality Room and decorate a derby hat for the hat contest on Saturday night! Hats and all materials for decoration will be provided...just come and join the fun!

Stickhorse Steeplechase


The Stickhorse Steeplechase will be held in the Events Center (Dairy Barn) shortly after the last class of

Saturday afternoon. "Riders" will race over a course of jumps and the fastest time will win. ESAHA has a stable full of well-behaved stickhorses to borrow or you can bring your own.  Last year's winner won wearing a native costume in her bare feet!

Prizes will be awarded


10 and under


11 and up!

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