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Marcia Schwartz
Corresponding Secretary
I have always loved horses and when I was 23, Don gave me my first PB Arabian horse for our third anniversary. Graneyn was not only gorgeous, but he quickly became my very best buddy, he will forever be in my heart. Graneyn is the reason I became involved with the Arabian world.
In 1985, while I was teaching third and fourth grades in the West Genesee School District, Don and I purchased Holiday Farm, located in Baldwinsville, New York. We began a boarding stable, expanded our horse count, and eventually became a show barn.
Along the way, we joined ESAHA and became active members, often serving as Board members or officers. We became Region 16 delegates where we have served in some capacity for many years. We truly treasure all the friends we have met along the way and we enjoy promoting our beautiful Arabian breed.
In 2004, upon retiring from my 34 years of teaching, I purchased TheShowKid, an equestrian shop for kids and grownups. Between the farm and the shop, I continue to be very involved and dedicated to the equestrian world. Horses, especially the Arabians, have been and always will be a prime source of enjoyment and love for me.
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